Off-Season Skating Option

Interested in Figure Skating Lessons by our club coaches during the off-season? Inquire about skating lesson from our coaches using the Inquiry Form

Friday, July 30, 2021

Wanted: Volunteer Coach - November 2021 through March 2022

Denny Farrell Figure Skating Club is seeking volunteer figure skating coaches for its members--The skating club includes skaters age 7 to 19 years old--on Thursdays from November 2021 through March 2022.  The volunteering mandatory hours are between 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM ET on Thursdays. The main responsibility of the volunteering is to provide structured figure skating instructions while mandating social distancing rules among members.

The volunteering coaches will have chances to join the team’s coaching staff as the team grows. Today, the team has 3 full time coaches.  

Volunteering Requirement: (Choose one of the option below)

  • We require Riverbank coaches to be certified by ISIA (Ice Skating Institute of America) or USFSA (US Figure Skating Association). Coaches must have experience in competitive skating and have completed high levels of testing. (NOTE: While not mandatory, ISIA or USFSA certified volunteer coaches are also welcome to join the regular weekend practice hours. See website for specific times)

The responsibilities of the volunteering coaches will follow the following guidelines.  

  • Recommend structured training and drills for all levels of skating.

  • Encourage individual development and foster a natural, healthy skill development. 


  • Access to the NHL size skating rink, one of the biggest outdoor rinks located in New York City from November to March.

  • Resume building experience to become a full-time skating coach.

  • Be part of a wonderful community of Riverban Figure Skating Families.

To inquire more about this position, please reach out to us via “contact us” form.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

2021-2022 Season Registration is Now Open for New Members

To join our club, new candidates must be assessed by skating rink manager with one of instructor's recommendation before registration. If interested, you can advance your skater to the acceptable skating level from now to end of July. 

If you are interested in joining our club in the fall, one of the best way to inquire about it is through Skating Lessons* to advance skating skill before 2021-2022 season. Complete the private lesson inquiry form for more information: 

* These skating lessons is provided by our club coaches and they are not part of our club's official program which runs from November to March.