Off-Season Skating Option

Interested in Figure Skating Lessons by our club coaches during the off-season? Inquire about skating lesson from our coaches using the Inquiry Form

Monday, November 20, 2023

 11/18 Meeting Summary

  1. Welcome and introductions: Ricky, Saida (and you can stop in to the office to pick up lower level parking passes) 

  2. Skate Show & Fundraiser- Saturday Dec 9, 4PM (this is a different date than communicated earlier) 

    1. schedule for skaters

      1. Rehearsing on Dec 2 and 3– attendance is very important

      2. Early arrival (3PM, possibly earlier) 

      3. Costume not changing: look for your “ugly sweaters” and elf hats from last year. (+ black skate pants)  

        New skaters: “ugly” can be interpreted loosely, but a holiday-theme sweater of some type. 

        1. We will have extra elf hats, you will directly reimburse the exec board -member who purchases those (they are a few dollars) 

    2.  fundraising: We will raffle gift baskets. Yoo Mee is organizing. 

      1. We need donations for the gift baskets! Spreadsheet to sign up will circulate via email. Donations collected on Dec. 2

      2. Jennifer, Elyn’s mom: helping to coordinate 

      3. Yoo Mee will have a separate donation bucket and posters made. 

        1. Maybe: we could have hand warmers, extra elf hats for donors (so we won’t be selling them, just as a “thank you” for a $5 or above donation) 

  3. Important schedule notes

    1. no skate club over the Thanksgiving weekend. 

    2. Our late Thursday ice time has been pushed back 15 minutes, now starts at 8:15. It is only 45 minutes so skaters please be here before that and be ready to get going immediately. 

      1. We also have 4-5:30 ice time, skaters can attend one or both. 

  4. Skate club business: 

    1. Families need to join Learn to Skate USA. This is mandatory, it is a small fee and the membership lasts for a year. 

    2. Abigail passed out level sheets to the skaters. They should bring them with them on the ice every time. (if they didn’t get, print out a list for your level from LTS website) 

    3. We will start doing cocoa/soups in January 2024

    4. Still looking into getting puffers; going forward in future years, we hope that returning skaters can choose to get a puffer instead of a new uniform 

    5. Possible: we may shift to using “SportsZone” (team communication), Hockey already uses this. Calendars, messages, reminders, all in one place. 

  5. Looking ahead: skate club events/schedule

    1. Holiday potluck party: 12/17 (tentative) at 2:15, followed by club practice. 

      1. Families bring favorites to share (not catered) 

      2. Families help with set-up and clean-up

      3. Possible: hold an equipment exchange that day 

      4. Possible: We may hold a quick post-party meeting once the kids are on the ice to talk about 2024 schedule

    2. February fundraiser- tentative: 2/15 (shorter ice time may make this an issue) 

    3. End-of-season show, currently scheduled for 3/09

    4. level testing and end-of-year celebration: tentatively scheduled for the weekend of 3/23-24. Parents informed us that this is the middle of spring break for some independent school students, and will discuss options with the coaches. 

  6. USFSA- this is still something in the works, but will be for the future. 

    1. This will allow our skaters who compete to do so as members of our club

    2. If/when membership is accepted, it is for a 2-year term. It will require that all families also join USFSA. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

 Meeting Minutes from 11/4/2023 

Parent & Coach Welcome Meeting 

Welcome back parents! We're thrilled to embark on this new skating year with you and our dedicated skaters. Your continued support and involvement in the DFRBSP Figure Skating Club are greatly appreciated! 🤗

As a friendly reminder, tomorrow marks the NYC marathon, which may result in travel disruptions due to street closures. It's advisable to plan your commute in advance. Additionally, it's worth noting that despite the marathon, subway services should operate fairly smoothly as many runners will have completed their race before our practices.
Below, you'll find the notes from our parent meeting, summarizing the key points and updates for the upcoming season.
  1. Upcoming Christmas Show Practice:

    • - We will begin Christmas show practice tomorrow to prepare for the upcoming show. We have 4-5 practice sessions before the show. The choreography will remain the same, but the music will change.
    • - Practices will run as scheduled for Veteran's Day weekend.
  2. Abigail's Focus:

    • - Abigail's primary focus will be on improving skills. She doesn't want to only concentrate on the show(s) itself.
  3. Shows Schedule:

    • - We have two shows planned:
      • - Christmas show with one group number.
      • - Spring show featuring solos and small groups.
  4. Communication:

    • - We will improve communication using a Google group and reduce the frequency of parent meetings, with advanced notice provided for when parents need to attend.
  5. Important Dates:

    • - The first fall meeting will take place on Saturday, November 18 at 3:45pm.
    • - A coach meeting is scheduled for the first weekend of December, where details about the holiday show on Sunday, December 10, will be discussed.
  6. Transitions:

    • - Darcel has retired, causing some transitions within the club. We hope to adapt to these changes.
  7. Coaching Staff:

    • - Our club has expanded (42 skaters) and we now have four coaches, compared to three last year.
  8. Ice Time:

    • - We are awaiting confirmation on Thursday ice time. These sessions are valuable for skill development, and last year, they were available in the early afternoon and evening. Keep in mind that the facility is shared with other organizations.
  9. Google Form and Parking Permits:

  10. Communication Channels:

    • - If you are not receiving group emails or using the Remind app, please contact Emma for assistance.
  11. Uniforms:

    • - New uniforms have been ordered but have yet to arrive. Until skaters receive their uniforms, they can continue using their old uniform or wear black attire.
  12. Welcome New Members:

    • - We welcome the following new members:

      • - Lisbeth, parent of Ethan (14 years old)
      • - Desiree, parent of Jovelt (9 years old)
      • - Iraniss, parent of Monica (10 years old)
      • - Sam parent of Isabelle and Amelie (11 years old)
If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're looking forward to a fantastic year of skating and growth for our club.